Kids Again addresses the unique challenges that children of abuse face by creating wholesome environments for them to recapture the innocence of youth. Our goal is to create life-changing opportunities that help children begin the healing process and work towards a lasting recovery. We consider it is important to address this issue by giving valuable information about the topic.

Important facts about child sexual abuse

In addition to immediate health issues, such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sexual abuse victims are at greater risk for a plethora of adverse psychological and somatic problems into adulthood in contrast to those who were not sexually abused

Victims child sexual abuse are at a greater risk of health problems associated with suicide attempts, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, conduct disorders/delinquency. [3]

Sexual abuse is the fastest growing form of reported child abuse. [4]

Perpurtators of child sexual abuse often do not use physical force, but may use play, deception, threats, or other forms of coercion to engage children and maintain their silence.[5]

Children of all ages, races, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds are vulnerable to sexual abuse.[5]

Prevention of child sexual abuse can be done by teaching children about body safety and healthy body boundaries, and by encouraging open communication aboutsexual matters. [5]

Victims of child sexual abuse often believe that the sexual abuse was their own fault and may not disclose for fear of getting in trouble themselves.[ 5]

Children whose parents or caregivers are supportive heal more quickly from the abuse. [5]

Therapy has been shown to successfully reduce distress in families and the effects of sexual abuse on children.[5]

When children are abused by adults who are supposed to protect them from harm, their ability to trust and rely on adults may be shattered. [5]

Most will agree that there will be 500,000 babies born in the US this year that will be sexually abused before they turn 18 if we do not prevent it. [6]

Facts about community support

With appropriate support and resources, children can heal from sexual abuse. [7]

Ongoing support from victim advocacy programs can promote childrens healing.[2]

Community services specific to child needs can contribute to children's wellbeing after sexual abuse. [7]

All involved in the community response to child sexual abuse can build upon children's resiliencies-their ability to maintain or recover wellbeing despite adversity-to help them cope with their reactions. [7]

Community intervention and support that builds upon children's strengths, along with aprotective, reassuring, and supportive response, by caregivers, can help lessen the abuse's negative impact on the children's. [8]

How activities can heal trauma

Physical activity is a key component in the development of physical and psychological health benefits during adolescence.[9]

Active kids have higher self-esteem, task orientation, and overall behavior.[9]

Participation in physical activity promotes the development of positive habits, healthy lifestyles, and psychological health.[9]

Physical activity has been shown to decrease the impact of psychosocial problems in youth. [10]

Participation in games and sports leads to higher levels of self-esteem than for those who do not participate in physical activity.[11]
Creative activities increase knowledge and positive behaviors in children and young people.[12]